
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"The chosen place for the meeting"
by Giorgio Dibitonto

Raphael said to me:
“You will see me again”. I remembered these words clearly, so I expected to see him again, but I only thought of an angelic or spiritual beings which exist beyond our physical dimension vision.
Then suddenly, the vision of the place chosen by Raphael for the encounter turned up: “Mark the place well” he told me. I began to guess there was a plan which was fulfilling. I was not sure that it only was a spiritual vision anymore.
Then, I was driven as far as the place of the meeting when a strange force helped me to break through my fears and doubts. I was going to my first Extraterrestrial close meeting.
All the human beings take part in a universal plan where nothing is left to chance. We aren’t conscious of this till something happens and we can see it with our own eyes. This is what happened to me many years ago, in 1980. Suddenly, I felt part in a prearranged plan. And it was given to me the chance to do what I had to do.
In the training phase, that was during the vision and the listening of the voice towards the place of the encounter, I experienced a mixture of joy and fear, curiosity and desire to leave it go, but something or someone really induced me to carry on. I was sure that I was in a prearranged plan and not in an accidental, isolated phenomenon.
Then, I was face to face with that “large silver plate, in places like molten glass mixed with molten tin” hovering in the air“. Around it were lights of different colours, and underneath were three large spheres. All my fears left me and I felt my spirits rise to new heights”.
“I was drawn to this light as if under a spell, and felt an unaccustomed joy within me which bestowed a blessing”.
Then I understood their source and I felt “a feeling of boundless freedom and grandeur, such as I had never known before, overwhelmed me. It was as if the narrow limitations of my spirit had been torn away”.
This is what you feel in front of these superior beings when you realize to be called to take part in their plan. Now I call “mission” this prearranged plan and I know that all of us live in this world to fulfil our duty in the universal family.
If there was fear and not joy and a feeling of release in the human mind, experiencing a new strength, it wouldn’t be possible for anyone to carry on.
Afterwards when the flying object disappeared “over the trees a kind of mist remained behind”, all these new emotions and feelings remained in my heart and I felt to be a new man.
Now I am aware that is what happens when good and charitable superior beings contact us. Called angels or extraterrestrials - they all are God’ sons faithful to his universal love - messengers and heavenly figures who act in the name and love of God himself. Thanks to their presence any fear can disappear, joy and sense of release penetrate our life since we start to take part in their missions in favour of human beings. We realize at once that, if we really want, we are pervaded by a superior light which is able to produce good results and love for us and all the people. Isn’t this the same joy Jesus told in the Gospel about 2000 years ago