
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"The heavenly being" second part
by Giorgio Dibitonto

The close encounter described in the second half of this chapter, showed us in 1980, how Angels, who appear to men in simple and magnificent shapes of “God's cosmic glory” must act preparing whoever is to receive such manifestations. Since our nature cannot bear superior things without that superior help.
If a manifestation occurs on a pure spiritual level, then the Heaven will act on a spiritual level. Nevertheless, if those contacts occur also taking over the physical and cosmic level, they must act so that this experience could be received and supported without harm. When in the Bible, God had to reveal himself to Moses, he told him that man cannot see God face to face and survive. And the glory of the Lord past by him in the form of angelic shapes.
At the beginning of the close encounter described in the fifth chapter of Angels in Starships, we experienced a feeling of being crushed when the flying saucer was above us. “The voice of Raphael spoke to us: «We wanted to let you experience this sensation of pressure, in order that you might better understand how you must undergo a certain amount of purification and reorientation of your life energies with each new meeting with us. Your planet is in an impure state because the heart of man is impure. The Earth is out of harmony; disintegrating vibrations, like the scourges that lash her sorrowing multitudes, create ever-widening zones on the planet where the life energies are undermined. One day you will comprehend the reality of these conditions which are beyond the grasp of your limited science. Those few who have begun to realize the true situation are misunderstood and left alone»”.
In that year of close encounters, it rained a lot , a strong wind often blew and it was not easy to climb towards the indicated places. However our Heavenly Visitors insisted in telling us that the Earth had to be purified, everything had to be renewed and a new salvation had to come. And so the water became a symbol of that great purification that had been announced, and of the necessity of our world to be washed in every sense.
One phrase that shocked us and made us meditate ever since then was also said by Raphael: «To regain the sense of nature», he continued, «would be the healing of many evils». He invited us to listen to the voice of the rain. Those Beings spoke about Nature as if it were alive and had a mind, a heart and a voice. In this way, the silence of that high place was transformed into a great lesson full of life. Sometimes I think about all that fraternity with Nature created by God, that Angels had and it brings to mind the “Cantico delle Creature” by Francesco d’Assisi.
In that encounter Raphael did not want to play down or defraud science, but he tried to make us understand that there is a spiritual science which goes far beyond: “Matter cannot be master over matter”. I want to emphasize once again some of Raphael’s phrases in that encounter on the high grounds of Zoagli. “The only might is the beneficent power of the Heavenly Father. The only true power is that which springs from Love. True knowledge and responsibility lie in service, good will, humility, and simplicity, in view of the immeasurable grandeur of the universe”.
Later on he said: ” If Earthman had really learned these teachings and translated them into actual practice, we would not be here today to bring you this warning. But we have other words for you as well, other things about which we wish to speak. Let your spirits not be too troubled: for many are waiting to hear our words, and will rejoice in them”. It has always been wonderful to notice that Angels never wanted to sadden our heart even when they had to tell us useful things but heavy going. They were always cheerful and full of optimism, even in their conscious work. In this encounter they gave us the announcement of the second coming of Jesus the Lord: “There will come a time when the One to whom is given power in Heaven and on Earth will come with his own, and then the rule of evil will be ended, as has been ordained”.
Raphael at this point spoke about himself and other Angels of the Bible attending these encounters: “We are the Cherubim of the Scriptures. We were appointed by God himself to be guardians of Eden. Never will we allow Earthman to have access to the unspoiled Eden-World, as long as he has not changed from the spirit of the power of the bad, back to the spirit of Universal Love”.
On the completion of their teachings, full of knowledge and wisdom, he said: «We», he said with emphasis, «will never resort to the use of force. Force always brings on more force, hatred brings hatred, and death brings death. Our weapons are Love, discretion, wisdom and patience. We are, nevertheless, far more effective in accomplishment than you could possibly imagine. We will not allow evil to take root in the cosmos, where harmony, Love, and the life-force reign».
He took leave after those words and confirmed the great promise that is in the heart of prophecies: «That means», Raphael concluded, «that the Cherubim will soon be among you. Earth will again be a planet of Universal Love, and no longer in the power of evil. We will take you with us in space and you will visit other worlds in your space ships. You will seek out the many mansions of the Father's House, and the new age of Love will put an end to the many thousand year history of war, death and tribulation».
Also that time the flying disc took off towards the sky and took away another part of us.