
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
Presentation of the book “Angels in starships” by mons. Corrado Calducci, cav. Augusto Giordano and Eufemio del Buono, at the Libreria Internazionale Remo Croce in Rome March 25th 1983.
Speech of Eufemio Del Buono – Ufologist, contactee and spiritualist.

“As ufologist, that is scholar of the phenomenon representing by the unknown flying objects that cross our skies, and that intrigued humanity since 1945 and annoy greatly, the leaders responsible for our planet, I am well aware of skepticism and disbelief of many people, when it is said with deep conviction that UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles and that are piloted by beings endowed with a technology, a science, but primarily a consciousness far superior to human one.
When one has to present a book called “Angels in starships” which argues that the author Giorgio Dibitonto with some friends lived extraordinary and sublime experiences in the company of the Space Brothers not only on board their vehicles, but also on their planet, then disbelief becomes mockery, and then anathema and va de retro, if one have the courage to assert and to make it even a book as did Giorgio Dibitonto, that beings who visit us on board of starships are Angels that are the messengers of the Heavenly Father.
With me are aware of everything the author and his friends, but to comfort us is the deep conviction that we operate to expand the seed of Universal Love, the same high cosmic concept that Jesus Christ bring into the world 2000 years ago and of which man has always spoken without, however, any effort to put it into action.
It is not necessary to be spiritualists to realize that today everything about everything in the world is steeped in hatred, blood and violence; having transgressed the written law and ignoring the teachings of the Gospel has brought mankind to build on our planet the total disharmony that exists in everything.
Now that the Age of Pisces is over, the cycle of the lessons is closed and there will be not other 2000 years to shake up the lazy, the indifferent, the refractory and who is similar to Thomas the apostle. The influences the Age of Aquarius already let be felt and the pure of spirit still feel the time come closer when our planet will learn Love and true Justice, the time that should be reached without going through the trauma of Purification.
To try to avoid us that trauma, Space Brothers, contrary to what they have done in the past unveiled the prophecies that were given to man, now speak a language that is clear and easily understandable; for this reason in the book “Angels in starships” we find, in addition to the sorrowful appeal to begin to act in the name of Universal Love, also a terrible warning to humanity that relying the right solely on the strength rather than on the Justice, is inevitably headed toward the brink of world war III that will be atomic.
And this book, with the message that wants to bring, if viewed in the context of all the prophecies, from the Bible to the Gospel until the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at La Salette, Fatima and at the Tre Fontane in Rome, takes on even a greater value and for those who feel to read it an incentive to reform their lives.
As can it be seen, in this perspective, if it is the alien, or if it is the Angel or is the Angel Extraterrestrial to warn us, it does not matter, given the seriousness of the situation and the urgency to remedy; otherwise, the skeptic to the end that does not believe in the existence of the Flying Disc and of the Extraterrestrial and much less of the Angel Extraterrestrial, but accept only if they see and touch the physical part either of the vehicle and of the being, I want to remind the meeting that Abraham had while he was sitting in his tent with three shining beings as we read in the Bible in Genesis chapter 18 verses from 2 to 15
These beings were Angels but ate and talked with Abraham on the son whom Sarah would give birth even if she is sterile, and the impending doom of Sodom and Gomorrah as told in Genesis chapter 18 verses 16-33. Do not forget that the ways of Lord are infinite and that all can be covered to bring back the lost man to the Father. Even the way of science is one of these and is not by chance today that the human mind scientifically interpret the prophetic signs of heaven that manifested by these wondrous machines to all mankind, which looks back to the top in a yearning for knowledge that apparently seems to be scientific but unknowingly is just a desperate need for spirituality and Love.
Humanity is bothered of drowning in the materialistic mess and in the orgy of momentary pleasure, which makes it ready to accept the truth that the prophecies veiled for centuries and today, thanks to the higher IQ can be understood in order to freely live the Age of the Spirit that is coming closer. In this perspective it is more logical to believe in a flying disc that has picked up Jonah than to believe that he has lived for three days and three nights in the belly of a whale before being deposited on the shore and reach Nineveh to preach repentance of its inhabitants.
And in our time, as confirmed by Giorgio Dibitonto in his book, the problem that plagued Nineveh puts to our entire planet, and many Jonah who sacrifice their images and their time to the work on repentance, are ridiculed and marginalized, all because the leaders, that is, the warlords, have established around the problem Extraterrestrial a strong conspiracy of silence, and in this regard many wonder why, since the Extraterrestri
als reproduce the language of Love preached by Christ, even though the Catholic Church has not pronunced yet on this reality.
On the square cardinal Nicolò Cusano, the great philosopher of the fifteenth century, said this: “There is no star from which we are entitled to exclude the existence of beings, albeit different from us”. In ‘800 the Dominican Father Monsambré echoed cardinal Nicolò Cusano, and said, as I wrote in the preface of the book: “Why should not the stars be inhabited with beings less advanced than the angels, but more advanced than we are? Between the recondite life of pure spirit and our dense, rational, vegetative life, there is surely room for other forms of life”.
Even the German theologian Giuseppe Foole positively expressed on the issue, saying: “the hypothesis of the plurality of worlds solve for all the glory of the Lord. God create for His glory and no glory is possible without intelligent beings, capable of knowing the work of the Creator himself”. Also the Jesuit Father Secchi expressed on this subject who said: “It is absurd to consider the worlds that surround us as huge uninhabited deserts and look for the meaning of the universe in our small, small inhabited world”.
While Father Francis Connell, dean of the school of theology at the University of Washington expressed in this way: “The theology affirms that neither the Bible nor the teaching of the fathers, nor the solemn definitions of the Popes exclude the possibility of a life similar to ours on other planets. On the other hand, simply thinking that this is impossible, is to admit that the creative power of God has its limits, and this is absurd. This and the insights of the Fathers of the Church give merits to the Church itself have pointed out before numerous sightings from allover the world, the problem of the plurality of inhabited worlds, although it does not still admit that the evolution of planet earth has been subjected from the very beginning the active intervention of creatures from outer space arrived on chariots of fire, swirling and clouds.
But Pius XII was aware of this reality, so that he expressed this on March 3rd 1958 at a hearing to american catholics telling them: “I see the face of God more closely and beings that have always protect humanity”. In addition, the reserve of the Church on the subject should also be evaluated in light of the fact that Galileo and Copernicus suddenly destroyed the authority of Aristotle’s texts on which it was focused all his theological thought; so it is understandable that the Vatican open cautiously preferring, before admit that the billions of planets of creation are other rooms in the house of the Father, that the science first prove that reality. Since science, as the Virgin Mary said at Fatima, can not disengage from the power of leaders who decided the conspiracy of silence, then here is the Church to be in a position to prudential wait which unfortunately involves the forced retention of concepts and schemes old and outdated where dwells the spiritual sterility.
However Pope John twice received the Vatican American contactee George Adamski showing great interest in his experiences. This event supports the opinion that the problem of extraterrestrial, before being scientific, technological and political, could be spiritual and messianic. After thirty years, Giorgio Dibitonto take over from the death of Adamski, presenting the problem from a highly spiritual point of view with his book. Adamski and Dibitonto, telling us that the biblical and evangelical clouds are starships, intended us to understand that in the Cosmos even the scientific way leads to the Gospel of Christ and that both faith than science work in unison to the achievement of a high aim, the ascension of man to the Divine.
The work of these two men can not therefore be assessed superficially because with their own purposes could try to prepare all the tribes of the earth for the day when they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory, as tells us Matthew at chapter 24, verse 30. I think that “Angels in starships” wants to be an aid to the Church, preparing the nations, so that it can get out from the stalemate in which it is located; to men, to reform their lives; to the Brothers from the space, so that the earth people, having finally accepted and put into practice the principle of Love, may a day welcome them with a spirit of peace and brotherhood.
With these wishes, I’m sure that the book “Angels in starships” by Giorgio Dibitonto will have a very large disclosure”.