
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"The being with wings of light"
by Giorgio Dibitonto

When we happen to meet a person and we realize that he is not from this world, something occurs inside of us that doesn't allow us to be the same over again. The relationship with ourselves, with the others and with the creation acquires a new dimension we ignored until that moment. Then time passes and we can notice that that change is irreversible. We remain with our human limits and with our background and experience that we all carry with ourselves, but we also have something different which sprung from that contact which remains and keeps working in our inner-life.
When we were children we were taught that God and the Angels exist and that our dear deceased have risen to Heaven or they have gone to live elsewhere. But when we happen to see with our own eyes this elsewhere, everything becomes new and different from before. I believe this happened the same thing to the apostle Thomas; he saw Jesus in his earthly life working outstanding miracles. But when he could touch with his hands the Jesus’s body which was died and ascertained that he was alive in the flesh, an irreversible transformation took over him.
George Adamski, the well-known and controversial Californian contactee, informed the world about his also physical contact with people who come from other worlds. We could drag on endlessly discussions about how he spread his message, but that fever to divulge similar news to the world, that came from that something that took over in him and that he was turned into a missionary conscience, remains. He completed his popular intention without minding the serious difficulties that this involved.
In “The being with wings of light”, the first chapter of “Angels in starships”, I told what happened to me the first time. I saw “a young man of extraordinary beauty”. After I had discovered to be able to give relief with prana-therapy, a man asked me to help him to overcome his state of discomfort that medical treatments could not cure. So, while I was holding my hands just over his head I saw the same light I described in the first chapter of the book. In the middle of that light the Angel Raphael appeared, whose name means medicine and recovery of God.
Raphael became a constant presence that accompanied me everywhere and that made me feel good. When an angel fills you with his light, that light penetrates inside you and seems not to leave you anymore. Since this first experience in 1980, I have thought a lot about what kind of effects it originated into me. And I think that what stayed more in my mind was to know that the angels exist indeed and that they stay close to us. This allows to overcome the sense of loneliness which originates from the consciousness of the death. Since that moment, even if you may pass inevitable crises, you know that you are not alone and this helps you because it can fill the vacuum of the mankind’s life.
I want to say something about my book’s foreword. I quoted a passage by George Adamski which refers to the Gospel. In fact, Jesus affirmed that the house of God has many mantions. In this passage Adamski wishes that we can really understand what the religion and the clergy have been teaching to us for a long time. Because in his opinion signs of these spiritual and physical extraterrestrial contacts.
He asked a sort of rhetorical question to pastorate which is certainly provocative, but not offensive at all. He asserted: “Even you, fathers of the church and priests, recognize that all of what you have taught to us is true, even because nowadays some of us are lucky to see with our own eyes that the prophecies are becoming true. Therefore, life beyond our planet exists and the Angels and other human beings come from other worlds and other dimensions to visit us and to give us help, support and teachings because they are closer to God’s Love and Truth than us. They announce us that the kingdom of God is approaching as it has always been prophesied”. George Adamski affirmed: “What you have taught to us is not lies, but truth and reality”.
It is what happened to me in 1980 when I saw Raphael surrounded by light. And what has been revealed to me later. Since that moment I could not have doubts anymore about the extraterrestrial existence. The experiences I shared with my friends confirmed me that George Adamski did not lie, even if he reported some facts in an ambiguous way that sometimes it was misunderstood. For instance, at least formally, he associated the pure spirit Angels with Extraterrestrial creatures as they had a body like earthlings. It reported other things for which they accused him to be an impostor and which I would like to mention in this website. However, we should not forget that the Angels revealed themselves in a flesh to Tobias, to Abram and to other people as it is told in the Holy Scriptures. In the Bible they eat, drink, wash themselves and do the same things men do. About this subject I will deal with it under the light of my experiences reported in my book.