
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"The Bible and the UFO"
by Giorgio Dibitonto

John reported the words of Jesus in his Gospel (14, 2): “In my Father’s house are many mansions” He spoke of many inhabited worlds, extraterrestrials brothers visiting Earth. He also said that the Bible mentions similar appearances ever and that the angels are not described with wings, but as men.
“Angels in starships” contains a number of lessons received by the Space Brothers, which speaks of worlds and also of dimensions. So one could say that the Father’s house has many dimensions dotted with many inhabited worlds. For example, the spiritual dimension inhabited by the pure spirits Angels is different from the physical one inhabited by humans. There are also the so called astral or cosmic dimensions that are intermediate between material and spirit ones. The astral vital energy is thicker than the spiritual one and the material one is thinner.
Jesus’ words, in light of the comments by George Adamski and what reported in “Angels in starships”, get a broad meaning and give us a wide view of the diversity and richness of creation.
So we can say that the inhabitants of the various dimensions and worlds live in a vital energy appropriate to the place that receives them. If they stay in dimensions and spiritual worlds they are pure spirits. If reside in an astral dimension they have an astral body, a soul suitable to that life and if they are in the physical dimension they also have a material body.
The starships carried out by the Space Brothers show the ability to move to any dimension and to be able to materialize, dematerialize and pass through different spaces and times. George Adamski calls them angels and men and extraterrestrials. But also the Bible calls them men, angels and even the Lord.
This different way to call the same messengers of God supports the American contactee: those who come from other worlds and other dimensions and bring us the love of God and of neighbor, the respect for creation, the understanding of the wonderful creative design and of the universal teachings full of goodness and positivity, they are at the service of God and have always been called gods, angels and similar names.
The Bible speaks about angels who are sent by God to do several things in his service for the good of men. And he invites us to love them, and to listen and to accept their announcement and not to oppose to their beneficial action.
The cult of the Angels has been proposed as always because they are our guardians, intercessors and trusted friends, those who help us to walk in love and goodness.
And why angels can not come to us in various forms and in different dimensions? Who can say the limits of the provident hand of the Lord? Who can limit the divine power and the one of the spirits united to Him?