
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"Faith, ufology and consistency"
by Giorgio Dibitonto

A correct reading of the testimony by George Adamski do not ever want to find or reach a scientific knowledge. He tells what happened, reports the dialogues and reports teachings and exhortations to faith in apocalyptic prophecies; in this light we find the contactee and prophet.
In the close encounters that I told in “Angels in starships” we were recommended not to give much credit to the technological and scientific references in the writings by Adamski, but to understand the parts spiritual and philosophical too. Into them he transmits what they wanted to give him for his mission. Some attempts to demonstrate some scientific things that the contactee reports either in writing or taking photos, movies and other material, have not had the desired effect. Because whoever believes and has faith in this reality does not need scientific evidence and material and non-believers will not be convinced by any proof.
For this reason the Space Brothers did not want to give us demonstration finds and scientific evidences. We were told, as I wrote in “Angels in starships”, that those who would have this faith in the heart would accept our testimony.
Why a part of the ufologic world acclaims George Adamski and a more extensive part consider him as a charlatan who has discredited the more credible foundations of ufology? Because Adamski is a man of faith, a Christian that believes what Jesus taught and testified. In addition, he believes in the mission and work of the Church, but warns clergy in not allowing the entire Bible prophecy and apocalyptic, with the risk of invalidating everything.
Adamski has the great merit of being the first contactee-prophet to mention the heavenly visits so often narrated in the Bible showing how close encounters of his experience and that of other contactees have all the features of the Glory of God on the Holy Scriptures. I want to add that also the Vedantic Scriptures report such things.
It may be asked ourselves whether this contactee has desecrated or laicized the angelic visits to the men of the earth. The answer will be to establish whether these contactees has or not had the manifest visit of angels in human form or not. George Adamski claims that they are the same Beings described in the Bible and the Vedas. That is the same angels in human form who visited Abraham, which contacted and took on board the “cloud” Moses and so on, have visited the American contactee and other contactees and give them, as they always do, messages full of wisdom, teachings and warnings useful to humanity.
But if we carefully read above the tenth chapter of his third book, “The Bible and the UFO”, we can get a message indicating a real prophetic key about the reading of the Scriptures and apocalyptic prophecies. And that is what “Angels in starships” has gathered with his new experiences and brought forward as who get a baton to run towards the finish line.
Without good reason some ufologists are opposed to this view of things. It does not exclude the alien subject as Jesus himself do not excluded it by saying that his Father’s house has many mansions.
It is not possible to accuse a great contactee as George Adamski is to be a charlatan without affecting not only the basics of our faith as it has been passed along, but also the credibility of close encounters, messages and teachings always present in such events.
Every position and every creed either secular and religious should be respected, but when a character such as Adamski gives his testimony and a message, it is unreasonable to dismiss him on the basis of unilateral interpretations.
In addition, many things which George Adamski describes and comments should be read in a spiritual contactism light, in a clairvoyance way and in the ability to travel to other dimensions. For example: when he says he has circumnavigated the moon aboard a spacecraft and has seen on the hidden side a city and a dense vegetation, surely he reports what he has seen on another dimension.
I understand the difficulty of reading the writings of the contactee in this light. I also accept that those who do not believe in the objective reality of other dimensions and explains these only as a mental projection, can not give credence to such testimony.
But who shows to accept the truths of faith and the existence of extraterrestrials can not so easily dismiss the testimony of Adamski. He should instead understand the depth and scope. In these two areas there is no possibility of scientific demonstration following our official science and so it is not logical and productive lurk on critical positions and then support the thesis that contradict these positions.